- SuperSoft Replacement Heads That Can Be Used With The Source Toothbrush
Replacement Head 2-Pack, Floss
- Great for Gums, Premium Bristles, Longer Neck for Better Reach
- Vegan
100% vegetable-based nylon to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.
Recommended UseInstructions: Place small portion of toothpaste on RADIUS® Source. Brush in circular motion away from gums. To sanitize, swirl in 50/50 hydrogen peroxide/water solution. Replace head every 3 months or try RADIUS Original? or SCUBA? Toothbrush! *Product sold as right hand. To reposition/replace head, tug firmly on head and reinsert. (handle bump should be faced up in hand for correct orientation).
Recommended DosageENG: Brush Twice a Day, Every Day! / FR: Brosser deux fois par jour, chaque jour!