Empower Yourself!
The goal with breast health is often cancer detection, however, it should be prevention, very early detection of pre-cancerous changes, and intervention!
A healthy lifestyle is of course key; diet, staying active, breastfeeding when possible, optimal nutrition and stress management. After those key elements are taken care of, what else can you do? Mammograms may not be right for you due to concerns over effectiveness, pain, radiation exposure, breast implants or the presence of dense, fibrous or lumpy breast tissue.
Empower Yourself and do more:
- Learn how to do a Self-Exam properly. Do you know what to look and feel for? Kate Martin offers free Zoom and private classes created by the Know Your Lemons Foundation for groups of 5 adult women or more.
- Consider Breast Thermography to assess and monitor your breast health annually. Thermography can detect early changes in your breast tissue, alerting you to the need for intervention and closer monitoring. Call Kate Martin from Trillium Thermography to discuss 519-269-3226 or drop-in May 27th for Customer Appreciation Day and learn more at our Thermography Open-House.
- Keep your breast lymphatic system moving with simple Breast Lymph Massage; you can do this yourself.
- Use Castor Oil packs on tender or lumpy areas to help relieve congestion, cysts and infections.
- Supplement with Vitamin D, Iodine and IC3 (IC3 can also be ingested by increasing your intake of cruciferous vegetables). These affordable supplements are critical for your breast health.
To learn more ... contact Kate Martin @ Healthy Life-Styles to book your appointment or click here BOOK NOW.